Saturday, September 21, 2013

Time flies whether you're having fun or not

I can't believe I wrote here on Tuesday that I was going to start taking care of my boxes in the community garden, and here it is, Saturday, and I've done nothing. Nothing! I haven't even started the seeds I have. I haven't even bought trays of seedlings. Maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow's another day. I have written in my 100 words dot com blog every day and also every day in my 750 words dot com blog. I'm just a writing fool. The rest of the time, I'm thinking about cheeseburgers. Last night, I got myself all worked up and almost left the house around 10 p.m. just to go buy a cheeseburger. I actually had a moment today and bought a double cheeseburger at McDonald's. I made myself feel good about it by not eating the bun. Wow, what self control I exhibited. I made a donation to the thrift shop today just so I could go over to a friend's house to pick up a very very large oil painting. When I brought it into the house, Mr. R was dumbfounded. He liked the image (some sort of Catholic procession) but he couldn't help but wonder where the hell we would put it. It's way too big for any wall in the house, but I couldn't bear the idea of it being given to someone else. I figure I can sell it somehow, someday. Meanwhile, two different friends have asked me to help them list things on ebay. No matter how much I tell them it's been improved and it's so easy, they still want me to help. I should charge for that help! I used to give computer lessons but I had to quit because it was making me too angry. I have very little tolerance for inability to learn. I just put myself into such a bad mood, I must stop writing now.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My poor neglected blog. I used it to document the goings on in the community garden and then I more or less abandoned the community garden. I got an email last week from the administrator saying that I was going to be kicked out if I didn't get my box in shape. It's still sitting fallow from being "summerized." All the weeds and old plants were pulled and the box was covered with plastic. The idea is to heat the soil to sterilize it against any of the old plants restarting. It worked last year, but the plants that grew were not satisfactory. This year, before I plant anything I have to put in a couple of bags of new soil and be sure to fertilize a little with some good old organic fertilizer. I'm planning to grow tomatoes and basil again. I think that some rosemary and tarragon might be nice too. In Raoul's box, I was thinking about squash and eggplant. Isora's box should be filled with marigolds and some other flowers. I don't want to grow any herbs or vegetables because she had such a problem with the harvest. It's not easy explaining the gardening concept to a person with a mental handicap.

This is a fake store front.