Friday, April 29, 2005

Orchid love

I confess. I am in love with a flower.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Halo scan track back, oh my!

And audio blogging. It truly is a brave new world. I've discovered the future and it's here. I'm becoming split between my original online diary site and this blog thang. I'm not sure about which I like better, but I'm working on liking this. I want to know how to access a page that shows all the notes or comments or whatever. And then I found out about this trackback thing and my heart is so heartbeat. Oh yeah, there's FlickR too because the URLs that Snapfish was generating were too long!

Looking at this photo conjures the image in my mind's eye as I left NYC earlier this year. I'm so glad I went. It seems so long ago.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Multiple choice

Dear James,
Today was a boring. Nothing much. I uploaded a picture for your downloading pleasure. It shall henceforth decorate this day of remembrance.

Yes, it's that day again. April 27. My own personal day of infamy. I only minutes ago commented to Mr. R how it's taken me so many years to go through April 27 as though it were just another day. I'm truly getting wiser as I get older. And yes, I'm so much older than that now.

Tonight, we ate soup for dinner that we made together in near silence. We're thinking a lot these days and I could feel that we were thinking the same thing. Let's just make some soup. We even made dinner for tomorrow at the same time, because the ingredients were there and we were on a psychic jelly roll. Life is so good. I'm very happy while deep down horribly sad. It's my Jewish heritage. It's human nature. Will I ever find true happiness? Sometimes I wonder if the Buddhists haven't got a clue and it's all suffering and that's it. Ha, what a joke.

I choice none of the above. How's by you, eh?

Stand by one moment, an operator will be with you shortly.

Monday, April 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by My Little Photo Album.
Hooray for Monday.